(678) 714-8700
The View Is Better From The Top

Office Signs – Custom Lobby Signs

Lobby signs are the cornerstone of office signage. It typically incorporates the company logo and branding and is placed prominently in the office where everyone can see as they enter.

Your lobby, reception area, and/or waiting rooms are all high traffic areas. This makes these areas important places to instill your branding and convey important marketing messages.

You can be creative when designing your lobby sign! Custom signs can use a variety of different materials to create a truly custom look. You can layer different materials to achieve a custom 3D sign.

If you are interested in a custom sign for your lobby, reception area, or waiting room, give us a call today! We can work with you from design to installation to ensure that you get the best custom signage for your space. Request a free quote today.


Pinnacle Custom Signs
5170 Belle Wood Ct.
Buford, GA 30518

(678) 714-8700

simple and clean, this laser cut metal sign makes a clean bold statement
Custom logo signs make a great first impression when someone enters your office.

Custom Built Logo Signs To Add WOW! Factor To Your Lobby

A logo sign is the centerpiece of your lobby, and it should give that WOW! factor to the office. At Pinnacle Custom Signs, we work with you to understand your preferences, your branding guidelines and your budget so that we can create a one-of-a-kind lobby sign for you.

You want to make a great first impression to visitors when they walk into your location. A logo sign sets the tone for the office and can make a significant difference between appearing to be professional and trustworthy and appearing to be otherwise.

Most Common Lobby Sign Types That Use The Company Logo

Corporate lobby signs can use a variety of different sign types that incorporate the company logo and branding.

Wall graphics are a low cost, low profile option. Lobby wall decals allow you to create a 2D graphic that is printed onto a vinyl wall wrap and placed directly on the wall.

This option is great for businesses that do not want a permanent sign or need to have it easily removed. The downside is that once removed, it is not recommended to reuse the same graphic.

using a wood panel backdrop, this lobby sign uses frosted acrylic, brushed metal, and vinyl lettering
Your company should have a logo sign that makes a statement like this custom built sign for SharedSpace.

Dimensional logo signs are a great option for adding that WOW! factor to your lobby. Dimensional signs use a variety of sign materials to create a 3D logo sign that makes a bold statement. For instance, a multi-layered acrylic sign can be used with a wall graphic as a backdrop to create a cohesive, branded statement.

Another type of signage is a backlit lobby signs. A lighted sign is going to make an even bolder statement if done well. There are different ways to light a sign including back-lighting, edge lit, halo lighting, internally lighted, and push thru.

Sign Placement – thoughts to help decide on office sign style

The placement of a lobby logo sign is important for making that great first impression. You should consider the line of sight when someone walks in as well as what you want to highlight in the room.

For instance, the wall directly across from your lobby door is a good place to put a logo wall sign. Visitors will see it immediately upon entering and know that they have arrived at the correct location.

Another option is to place it behind your receptionist. Reception signs draw the attention of visitors to where they need to go to proceed with their visit. Waiting rooms and hallways are also places where a logo sign can be placed for branding purposes. 

law firm lobby sign uses acrylic on a brushed metal sign
At Ross & Pines, their logo sign is immediately visible as you walk into their office.

When placing a sign on the wall, you should consider the size of the wall you are dealing with and key features like existing lighting and power supplies.

If you are using a tall wall, you will want to place the lobby sign in a location that draws the eye up without leaving too much space above or below. You also do not want anything to block the view of the sign so consider how receptionist desks, seating, and other office furniture might interact with the sign.

Why Pinnacle Custom Signs Logo Signs Stand Out From The Rest.

Pinnacle Custom Signs is a full service sign shop. We work with you from beginning to end to design, manufacture and install custom office signs that are branding for your business. 

We have worked with numerous companies to create logo signs that are pieces of art. Our in-house capabilities allow us to have a quick turnaround on signs. And we are able to install anywhere in the United States. 

Add the WOW factor to your lobby with a custom lobby sign. Our team at Pinnacle Custom Signs will work with you to create a custom built sign that will make your logo and branding stand out. If you are interested in creating a logo sign that is more like a piece of art, a statement piece for your office, give us a call. Give us a call or contact us online to get a free quote!

Custom Office Wall Signs To Take Your Lobby To A Whole New Level Of Impressive.

Office wall signs are a great way to inform visitors and promote your business. These signs include everything from wall decals to canvas print signs to logo signs.

The key to creating an impressive lobby is a cohesive approach to the different types of signs and the design of the signs used. Start with a goal in mind for what you want your signage to accomplish. Typically, the goal is to convey a sense of professionalism, trust, and security while promoting your products or services.

acrylic lettering with vinyl wall wrap
Voice Nation combined a full wall wrap with a dimensional logo sign to create an impressive look for their lobby area.

You want to make sure that your company’s branding stays consistent throughout the whole lobby. This means both colors and typography but also imagery and style. For instance, a law firm typically uses a more conservative, professional look versus a children’s dentist who is going to use more a whimsical, colorful look.

At Pinnacle Custom Signs, we work with businesses to create a cohesive approach to all of their signs from their outdoor signage to the custom office signage to their trade shows. We have also worked with businesses who already have a sign plan and design laid out to manufacture, permit and install the signage. Give us a call today if you are interested in learning more about how we can work with your business!

Vinyl Sign vs Full Wall Vinyl Wrap

Vinyl is a popular sign material that can be used in a variety of different signs and in many different ways. Vinyl is available in a variety of colors, textures and levels of opacity. Vinyl can be layered to create unique looks, and vinyl can be printed on. This allows you to create fully customizable signs for any location.

A vinyl sign typically uses vinyl wall decals to create a custom, low profile sign on a wall. Wall decals typically do not cover an entire wall but are more easily removed.

A full wall vinyl wrap sign utilizes the entire wall to create a fully custom look. This means that you can make an entire wall look like brick or look like the woods or the skyline of the city you are in. When used with 3D signs, wall wraps can make a big statement.

A reception sign for Keller William Realty in Atlanta.

Reception Signs

Office buildings often have a central reception desk that helps visitors find the correct office within the building. Reception signs can include the logo sign of the company, directional signs, and other types of offices signage.

A great example of a reception sign is a medical office building which has multiple doctor offices. Typically, when you first walk into the lobby, you will see the logo sign of the building/medical office complex and will see a directory sign listing all of the different offices and where they are located.

Directional signs help you navigate to that particular medical office where you enter the reception area. You know you are in the correct location because of the reception sign that is clearly visible. 

The logo sign behind the reception desk is reinforced with signage throughout the waiting room that relates directly to that office. For instance, a pediatrician will have images of smiling children, smiling kids with broken arms, or kids getting a check by a doctor. 

All of these can be considered reception signage and can be fully customized for your business.

Waiting Room Walls Can Tell Your Story.

All medical offices have waiting rooms for patients to wait in. The signage in your waiting room can make patients feel more comfortable and reinforce branding messages to tell your story. This is why a cohesive approach to signage is better than piecing it together.

acrylic sign holders with standoffs
An example of other types of lobby signage that can be used.

Waiting room signs include the logo sign above the reception desk as well as other custom signs that help convey your company’s story and primary marketing message. These signs can also serve other purposes.

For instance, a dentist who has a store-front office can use vinyl window graphics to add privacy to the office while also advertising with images of smiling families and copy about what services are provided.

Vinyl canvas signs can be used in the office to display the company values or showcase products and services. This both conveys important messages and added decor to the office.

Vinyl wall decals can be used to create a timeline visually telling your story. It can also be used to create a unique look like a woodland scene, a race track, or other imagery that reinforces your branding.

Medical offices also need directional signage in the form of door signs and directories, especially for a multi-use office. If visitors can not find what they are looking for, they become frustrated and associate your branding with negative emotions. Planning out your way finding signs to be both easy to use and branding is key.

A directory sign for Georgia State University College of Nursing and Health Professionals
A directory sign for Georgia State University.

Directional and ADA signs that guide people beyond the lobby.

Another key type of signage related to lobby signs is directional signage. Required for ADA compliance, directional signs include room signs, business directories, and regulatory signs.

Room signs typically are required to have clear wording that contrasts well so that it is easily visible. Rooms that do not change designation are required to use raised lettering and braille as well as be mounted at a set height and in a set location.

Regulatory signs include things like bathroom signage, emergency exit signage, and safety signage. All of these custom signs have to meet the Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines. If they do not, you could face a fine.

While you must follow the guidelines, you do have room for customization. For instance, one requirement is that the signage be contrasting; black and white are a perfect contrast. You can achieve a similar level of contrast by using brand colors and complimentary but contrasting colors. It is very important to work with a designer who is familiar with the ADA guidelines and color theory. 

If you want your office signage to impress visitors, give us a call to start the sign design process. We will work with you to understand your space, your branding, and your marketing goals so that we can put together a sign plan for you. Give us a call or contact us online to get started!

An example of how a background can make a simple sign standout.

3D signs have unique options that can help you to stand out.

If you want a lobby sign that stands out and makes a statement, then you need a 3D lobby sign. Some businesses want to conserve costs and go for the cheapest sign – a vinyl wall decal. While it is low profile and low cost, it does the bare minimum that a lobby sign should do.

A 3D sign, on the other hand, can really define your business and branding for visitors. Think of a law firm. Lawyers are professionals who often deal with matters that are sensitive and highly valued by their clients. If their law office sign is a vinyl wall graphic, what does that say about their business? If their office sign is a

Various Sign Materials Can Effect A Business’ Perceived Value.

Signs can be made using a variety of different materials. How you use these materials can make your sign look high-end or cheap; it’s all in the quality of the materials and the application of the materials.

Brushed aluminum sign with acrylic and vinyl lettering
This lobby sign for Klein Contracting uses a metal panel with standoffs and other sign materials to create a professional look.

Both the sign materials and the sign design can effect how a visitor perceives a business. Talk with your sign company about what your branding is and how you want customers to see your business. The logo sign for a children’s dentist and for a personal injury law firm are going to be vastly different.

Metal signs can be made out of aluminum, steel, etc. or can be made of materials that give the appearance of metal. One of the most common types of signs we make is aluminum signs. These signs are light weight, durable and can be customized to give a polished look.

  • An aluminum sign is made of a sign material that has a plastic core with layers of aluminum coating it. Typically, an aluminum sign is painted one color with graphics and lettering printed on top, creating a printed aluminum sign. You see these in parking signs or safety signs.
  • A brushed aluminum signs is made of the same material but has a brushed metal appearance. Brushed metal signs typically are a bit thicker than standard metal signs because the face will be exposed.
  • Custom laser cut metal signs are made by using brushed aluminum or other metal or metal-like materials that are laser cut.
  • Because these signs are made with architectural-grade materials, they can be used in any area of exposure.
  • Metal laminate logo and letters are laser cut acrylic with a metal laminate layer applied to give the appearance of solid metal.
This acrylic sign is a perfect example of clean logo signage
An example of what can be done with a plastic sign material like acrylic and pvc.

Acrylic is by far the most popular type of material because of how versatile it is. An acrylic sign can be made in any color, can be layered with other materials, and can use a variety of lighting.

  • Acrylic LED sign uses clear or translucent acrylic layered with opaque acrylic, vinyl letter or other materials to create a lighted sign.
  • Acrylic signs with standoffs have been used for a variety of office signs including logo signs, directory signs, and wall signs.
  • Acrylic can be used instead of glass to create etched glass signs. This makes the sign more durable and safe.
  • An edge lit acrylic sign is a unique type of sign lighting that uses LED light strips to illuminate a laser etched design.

Vinyl is another popular sign material. In the purest form, it can be used to create a wall decal or window decal. When used with other materials, it can create a truly unique sign. For instance, it can be used on top of a custom cut acrylic backing to add a logo or lettering. Vinyl comes in a variety of colors and textures and can be custom printed with designs.

LED backlit office signs draw attention.

Back lit led sign
The LED back light creates a halo effect around this logo sign, making it standout.

A lighted sign draws more attention than one that isn’t lighted. It’s the simple fact of how our minds work. The right kind of lighting does make a difference. 

Backlit office signs create a 3D look by projecting light from the back of the sign onto the wall. This creates a halo effect or silhouette around the sign. 

With LED lights, these lobby signs are must more affordable and customizable. For instance, you can have the light be a particular color, like blue, or you can have it cycle through a variety of different colors. 

Back-lighting can also be used with other types of lighting to create a unique look. For instance, a clear acrylic sign with back lighting both creates a halo look and illuminates the vinyl lettering on the acrylic sign face.

Methods of lighting lobby signs.

Lighting is a way to make lobby logo signs standout. When designing a lighted lobby sign, we take into account the existing lighting in the area, the existing power supplies and whether a new electrical lines are needed, and the overall design of the sign which should match the branding and goals of the business.

The easiest sign lighting option is to use existing light sources. This means that you need to identify what areas are well lit and design the sign to look good in that area.

The second easiest lighting option is to modify or install overhead spot lights and illuminate the sign from above. This requires some wiring but is typically easier than running power to an internally lit sign.

For the best effect, a sign should be designed with an internal lighting element. Here are some examples:

  • Edge Lit Glass Sign – This type of sign uses etched glass, acrylic or plexiglass with an LED light strip around one or more edges.
  • Back lit sign – This type of sign uses lighting that shines against the wall to create a halo effect around the sign.
  • Push-thru lighting – This type of lighting is typically used with individual lettering, like channel letters.

These are just some examples of sign lighting. Talk with a sign shop to learn more about different lighting options and how they can be applied in your sign design.

If you are looking for a sign shop near me, then look no further. Pinnacle Custom Signs is a full service sign company based in Atlanta and works with companies across the United States. Give us a call or contact us online for a free quote.